There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer. - Ansel Adams
Becky Stein is a professional photographer with a gifted eye who specializes in shooting everything from food to sports to news and celebrities. She moved to the US from England as a young girl and now calls Atlanta her home. It wasn't long after her move that she got the photography bug. After making a shoebox camera at school, Becky saw images come to life for the first time and from this sparked a new passion in her life that would be ingrained forever.
After spending years doing public relations in a corporate environment, Becky decided to change careers and pursue her dream as a professional photographer. So in 1999 she started shooting marathon runners and group photos in 35mm film. From there she moved on to portraits, primarily a focus on schools and senior photos. A few years later in 2001, Becky decided to upgrade her equipment and move in the direction that technology was going and went digital. Her portfolio grew quickly as she focused on action sports, portraits, landscapes and life.
Becky is a member of the National Press Photographers Association, Nikon Professional Services, Professional Photographers of America, and Women in Photography. She was a freelance photographer for the Atlanta Journal & Constitution (AJC) for 14 years. Currently, Becky is a freelance photographer for Georgia Trend Magazine, Emory University, The NBA, Arthur Blank Foundation, online universities and other media outlets.